MA2 & MA3 plugins

Clock View


Are you totally out of screen estate while programming but still want to have an eye on the clock?
Install this nice Clock View Button!
It's so fun you just can't miss it! You can even change it's color!

The view also doubles for a Clear view button, as it doesn't have any screen content.

This plugin creates a View Button which shows the current time.
This is implemented by dynamically generate a View xml file with the time as a screenshot bitmap and loading this xml file each minute.

Author is not responsible for any lag presented by the import command.
It has not been tested in a large live production with multiple consoles in session.


  1. Run the plugin.
  2. The plugin will create a View. Open the View pool and assign the new View to a ViewButton.
  3. Enjoy!

Plugin options (these can be edited in the plugin source, in the topmost lines): local largeFont = true -- turns on or off larger font
local colorRgb = "FFFF7F" -- set's the font color (hex RGB value)
local format12h = false -- if true, time is dislpayed in a 12h-format (AM/PM)
local useSystemClock = false -- if true, clock source is system clock instead of MA
local viewName = "Clock" -- here you can change the View's name

Set the plugin to AutoStart if you wish to have it always running.
    2023.09.23. v1.2 Bug fixed: Plugin did not start in older versions.