MA2 & MA3 plugins

WebRemote Layout View extension


Layout Extension adds a new tool to MA2 WebRemote: it allows you access to Layout Views. This is done purely in the WebRemote interface by running JavaScript in browser to export and parse XML files.

Although many of us use an onPC with VNC and a tablet, there are use cases in which LayoutExt could be useful, like:

  • No access to onPC and having only a console
  • Using a beautiful, high resolution, 2-pinch-zoomable map when there's no need for changes
  • Unattended installation in kiosk mode

My idea is not to replace the onPC & VNC solution but to give a new possibility to your toolbox.

About the LayoutExt Installer MA2 Plugin

The LUA plugin is an installer for Layout Extension. The plugin only handles the installing / uninstalling process of the necessary files. This means that the extension is not installed per showfile but per software. The extension does not use any LUA resources, it only extends the existing WebRemote files.

Usage: Simply run the plugin. It will ask whether you want to install, update or uninstall the extension. Upon installation or update you will be asked to enter the installation code which you should have in your email inbox.

About the WebRemote Layout View Extension

Because the functionality of the Layout view had to be recreated in Javascript/HTML without any API help, the Layout Extension has some limitations. It is working fine though, for the following:

  • Displaying and selecting fixtures
  • Displaying live Dim and RGBWA/HSB values for fixtures
  • Displaying and selecting groups
  • Displaying and using macros, presets, worlds
  • Displaying text boxes, rectangles, icons, images
  • Selecting any layout
  • Zooming / panning using touch gestures (two fingers) or mouse middle button / scroll
  • Save / recall the last viewport of layouts (zoom and position)
  • Assign, Store, Delete in layouts (via macros, command hardkeys or command line)

Once loaded, the layout view will keep loaded in the background even if page is changed, this means two things:
  • There is no waiting time to load the last layout after switching pages
  • You need to refresh manually if needed
In addition to Layout, the Extension also provides an auto login feature - so you don't need to type the credentials anymore! Also you can specify which page you want to load. You can use the LayoutExt as a kiosk. Just set it up to full screen, autologin, default layout page, and if you set up a Chrome in Kiosk mode, it could provide a pretty useful solution for even unattended installations!

Macro bar

By default, the Layout View will have a Macro Bar at the bottom. You can specify the number of macros and where to start the display from.

You can hide the Macro Bar in the Settings. Currently it is not possible to move the Macro Bar.

Setting options

The layout extension is highly customizable, making sure that you can tailor the working of the extension to your own needs.

  • autoLoginUser: specifies the username for the autologin feature.
  • autoLoginPass: specifies the password for the autologin feature.
  • pageSelect: specifies a page to select when website loaded. (Possible values: command1, command2, fixtureSheet, channelSheet, groupPool, presetPool, MacroPool, WorldPool, executorSheet, Playbacks, layout)
  • hideGUI: hides the WebRemote command line / menubar (layout view will be selected by default)
  • hideTitle: Layout view will not have a title bar.
  • hideMacro: Layout view will not have a Macro bar.
  • hideDimmer: Layout view will not have a Dimmer wheel.
  • defaultLayout: Layout view will open this layout by default. (ID)
  • saveSelectedLayout: Selected layout will always be saved to defaultLayout.
  • saveLastViewport: Saves and loads the last viewport (zoom and position) of the layouts.
  • disablePanZoom: Disables zooming and positioning of the layout. The layout will fit the screen or load the last viewport.
  • disableSelection: Disables selection of fixtures. Groups, Macros and other pool items can still be used.
  • macroStartId: Specifies the starting ID of the Macro bar.
  • macroCount: Specifies how many macros should appear in the Macro bar.
  • clearButton: You can enable a Clear button in the title bar. (Possible values: Clear, ClearSelection)
  • zoomToFitButton: You can show / hide this button.
  • allowAssignStoreDelete: If enabled, you can run Assign, Store, and Delete commands on the current layout.

All setting option can be addressed in URL.
For example, if you locked yourself out of settings because you saved hideTitle = true, you can always provide it in URL, like:
To have multiple settings passed in the URL use &:

By default, settings are temporary and will not be saved. Make sure to click on "Save as Default" in Settings window or specify saveSettings=true in the URL to save the current settings!

Known limitations:
  • Pool objects other than groups, macros or worlds might not display or work as intended.
  • Color info other than RGBWA or HSB (color wheels, color macros) does not appear.
  • Gobos and other visual information does not appear.
  • Markers and dimmer bar does not appear (except Programmer Markers).
  • It is not possible to edit layout (setup mode).
  • It is not possible to change value source (it is always output).
  • Fixtures without fixture ID (only channel ID) will only show dimmer value.
  • Fixtures with Virtual Dimmer does not display accurately when dimmed.

LayoutExt Release Notes

    Version 1.0 Release - Changelog: 
     New features:
     - Installer now runs a Sequence GUI (shows current version, offers upgrade if version mismatch etc.).
     - Assign, Store, Delete commands now works with layout as intended (with allowAssignStoreDelete setting on).
     - Save & reload the last used layout viewport (with saveLastViewport setting on).
     - You can now move the layout around using the middle mouse button (with disablePanZoom setting off).
     - Macros, groups, presets and worlds are now CLI (for example a "Delete @" macro now works as intended).
     - Fixtures now properly show a red/white marker when they have attributes in the programmer.
     - Groups with filled or spot visualization now displays as the first fixture of the group.
     - Images are now cached to LocalStorage (faster loading time).
     - Refresh only reloads the current layout (faster loading time).
     Fixed bugs:
     - World pool items are now displayed properly.
     - Fixed a bug where layout data refresh could be broken by overlays, like login screen or other modal windows.
     - Fixed a bug where deleted pool items do not disappear.
     - Fixed a bug where remote page is broken after reconnection.
     - Fixed multiple visual glitches and bugs.

    Version 0.91 Release - Changelog:
     - Fixed a bug where some software versions can not install because of LUA bug.
     - Fixed a bug where consoles can not install because of case-sensitive file system.

    Version 0.9 Release - Initial Public Release